Monthly Archives: September 2022

Weekly Vlog ~Christmas Came Early!~

This weekly vlog is just a 2 day vlog. I have been so busy filming for vlogtober (yes, I’m going to do vlogtober) that I had to condense my weekly vlog to just 2 days. But, this is a very special vlog where Christmas came early for someone in my household. Watch and find out who and what that person got! (It’s pretty neat!)

HUGE 3 Week Grocery Haul

Seeing as I shop every 3 weeks the hauls tend to be rather large. This one is no exception. No only was I buying food for 3 weeks, I also had a lot of other stops to make. I try to do as many of my errands in town on the same day to save on gas. I know you all like my hauls and I think you’ll like this one as well. Enjoy!

Those Crazy Chicken Babies! ~Weekly Vlog~

This weekly vlog is all about those crazy chicken babies! They are growing and flying and acting super crazy! I had to make a little modification to their living arrangements because of how crazy they are getting! Plus, we are finishing up the garden prep and getting more of those veggies preserved for later use. I also have a question for you all. So, come and spend the week with me!

Clean With Me! ~It Took Two Days!~

It’s a clean with me video! Can you believe it?!? After a summer full of accidents and recovery time, I am finally feeling well enough to film a clean with me video. And boy was it a doozy! In this video I tackle the enormous mess left in my vintage room after we moved the chicky babies out to the big brooder house. It’s amazing how dusty and dirty things get! If you enjoy cleaning videos, you will enjoy this one!

3 Week Grocery Haul

It’s time for my 3 week grocery haul. Of course it’s not just groceries, it’s a whole lot more. If you like grocery (and other stuff) hauls, you will enjoy this one. I have started shopping every 3 weeks instead of every other week to save money, and so far it’s working out fine. I’m even contemplating starting once a month shopping! We’ll see if that happens in the future. In the meantime, enjoy this 3 week grocery haul!