Monthly Archives: August 2021

A Kind Of Weird Vlog

This was a very different vlog, kind of weird actually. It spans about a day and a half and it includes just about everything. Cooking, cleaning, food prep, chatting, life update, the dogs….you name it. So, if you’re in the mood for “different”, then join me for this “weird” vlog.

Prepping For The Week & For The Future

This was a busy day in the life. I had quite a few things on my to-do list for the day. I have to work this Saturday (something I don’t often have to do, and something I wish I never had to do), but be that as it may be, I wanted to get extra stuff done on my days off. I also wanted to get some food prepped for the rest of the week and the weekend, especially breakfasts so I can just eat breakfast and not have to think about preparing anything. I also did some prepping for the future. With all the bad news in the world going on right now I felt a special need to get extra prepared in my food pantry. So, I share some hauls of things we needed but also some extra things to put back for the future. Come along and spend this busy day with me.

How Much Did It All Cost?

How much did it all cost? It’s time for another grocery haul. This was a big one. Every few months it seems like we run out of everything at once. This was one of those times. I also share with you what I spent at every store. It is NOT my imagination that everything is costing more these days. I still can’t believe how much I spent!!

Motivated Cleaning

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you’re not in pain! My back is improving week by week, and because of that I have been so motivated to clean the areas of my house that have needed attention for quite some time! It’s those “hidden” areas that only I really noticed, but were bugging me! So, I hope this cleaning video motivates you to clean those “hidden” areas in your home too!

Clean With Me/Speed Cleaning BONUS: Oliver Footage

It was time to pay some attention to a few areas in my home that have been neglected as of late. So, this video is a clean with me/declutter video. It is a high speed cleaning video with fun music. But wait! Watch all the way to the end to get an Oliver sighting and some Oliver news! Enjoy!